Continuing on with No Man’s Sky

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about No Man’s Sky. I actually uploaded these pictures, probably about 3ish weeks ago, and them promptly forgot to post the next time we went over to Shandy Acres for Sunday dinner.

So yeah, this is my current ship. I bounced around with one or two others, but I found I was having to acquire more and more launch fuel. It was quite frankly, annoying. I knew I had to find a Class ‘S’ ship with solar sails. The solar sails recharge the starship launchers. Finally, I found another one.

It was kinda annoying switching ships, I had dumped a lot of credits into the old one, but I hated how it looked. This one is far more elegant.

So yeah, this is the newest Theseus. I’m slowly switching out all the substandard parts to fully a class parts.

In order to pay for all this, I’ve been doing a bit of pirating. But I’m a pirate with some morels. I don’t go after the freighters, just the cargo pods that float next them. After I’ve plundered all the cargo pods, I’ll warp back to my “home” system. Then I’ll hit up the space station, and sell all the pirated stuff. Then, I’ll buy what I can there, and sell it in my base in the pirate controlled area.

I’ve been making some bank.

Also to help with making some money, I have a fleet. I send 5 ships out on the longest expeditions I have access too, and they will bring me back around a million or so credits once a day.

Last week I think, I added 5 more ships to the fleet, bring the number of ships up to 10.

I like this game. More than I thought I would. I don’t have it on the easiest setting or the hardest. It’s perfect for when I don’t have a lot of brain power to expend on it. It relaxes me as well.

They danced through the day and into the night through the snow that swept through the hall

The morning came very very early this morning. At one point I thought I heard Chaucer getting sick. I yelled out, and immediately fell back to sleep. I’m a terrible kitty dad. I think I got up in the night to go to the bathroom, but I’m not too sure. Maybe. Maybe not.

It’s a mystery.

But we’re all up now. Chaucer is on Crystal’s blanket, which he’s kind of taken over. Pippin just jumped up and is totally comfortable on my lap. It’s been colder her, and she’s always trying to jump and snuggle in my lap.

It’s not that I had a terrible sleep, it just was broken up m, by waking up, and all that jazz. I was a little tossy turny. I don’t think I was too warm, just up pretty early, and just dozed mostly. I think I’m gonna try and possibly nap this afternoon. I’m of a certain age now. I guess we nap now.

But first, coffee.

Everybody knows that smokin’ ain’t allowed in school

Here we are again. It’s dark, and the coffee has been brewed. Welcome to another day in the life living in TinyTown. We’re both awake, and it’s dark out. I got up sometime in the night to go to the bathroom. I refused to look at the clock, telling myself that if I don’t open my eyes, I’m still technically asleep. I got up and made my way to do my business, and made it back into bed.

The next thing I know, the alarm is going off. I had Steelers Wheel stuck in my head. You see, Crystal was telling me little known trivia about well known movies before I went to work yesterday. I guess it stuck, because I had Reservoir Dogs stuck in my head. Yep, Michael Madsen dancing in the warehouse. Good times.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. We were pretty steady until about 7:30-8. That’s perfect because around 8 is when the closing stuff starts to get done. We managed to get everything done and 100%, then we left. It was a good shift, time passed pretty quickly.

I brought home a hot chocolate, and surfed Reddit while Crystal kicked some ass playing Hades. She’s really good at that game. I think I’ve seen her beat it once or twice, so at this point she makes it look pretty easy. After she stopped playing, we looked at some TikTok’s for a few, then climbed into bed.

Here we are now.

It’s gonna be a lazy weekend. The scheduling gods saw fit that I should have the weekend off, I don’t go back into work until Tuesday. That’s nice. So we’ll be heading out for date night this evening. And I’ll pop over to the little grocery store to grab some hash browns and bacon for brunch on Monday. Other than that, it’ll be a quiet weekend.

So let’s get the weekend started! Happy weekend internet friends!

You love me and I don’t know why, I only call you once a week

Well, here we are – another day that ends in y. We were both woken up early this morning. The big guy, Chaucer, decided that 3am was a great time to get sick, waking up Crystal, and making me open my eyes.

After that fun happened, I think we both fell back into a restless sleep. I’m very very stuffed up, and it hurts my head. Crystal was having nightmares, and I was just having strange dreams. I have been dreaming, but now I never remember them in the morning. I just know that these dreams were just strange.

So yeah it hasn’t been the greatest of mornings here. I at least get to stay with her for a few hours, as I don’t have to leave the Flat until 1pm. Yep, I’m working a closing shift tonight. That’s ok, we can have date night tomorrow night. Hopefully the evening will go quickly at work.

So now we’re just awake, watching the morning news. After some coffee, and waking up, I’ll be hoping in the shower, and officially starting the day.

Hey, at least it’s Friyay!