Good Thursday morning everyone. It’s almost the end of the week, and it can’t come soon enough. It didn’t snow last night, thankfully. But it is chilly out there, with some wind. I can hear the town clearing the roads again. The piles of snow around town have grown since I last drove around town.
I slept like the dead last night. Closer to when the alarm was supposed to go off, I think I was a little tossy turny. Only because I was just a little warm, and I was having trouble breathing through my nose. But I dealt with it, and managed to doze until the alarm went off.

Nothing much going on today. As if you needed to know why I’m posting so early in the day, well, I’m on a closing shift today. So when I usually post these days, I’ll be working, so I figure that I’ll post now, like in the old times. Feels weird.
Ok? Time to refill the ol coffee cup, and start the day. Happy Thursday y’all!