Fuck yeah, Friyay.
It’s finally here. And all I would like to do is nap, which I might do. We’ll see.
Work wasn’t too bad today, busier than the last couple of days, which was nice. I helped out BossLady by doing the last minute grocery order, which she then made me fax to home office.
But we got the grocery order put away a good 20 minutes before 2nd shift came to work. And we left the store looking better than when we got there.
Nothing much to really talk about, I’ve just been working, and watching Midsomer Murders on Tubi. I’m totes boring. But tonight, tonight is date night. And the restaurant should be open. It was open when I drove past it this afternoon so that’s a good sign.
Ok, I think I’m gonna nap for a little bit. Happy Friyay everyone!