Lemme start this off with a question- is it motherfreakin Friday yet? Sheesh, it seems like this is the week that will never, never end. Good morning, welcome to Thursday.
So as an update to the drama that’s been happening, NewNewGuy got fired yesterday. Our general manager came a few minutes earlier than he usually does. We had the order put away before NNG got in. As soon as he did, right up into the office.
It didn’t take long, he came down, collected all of his stuff. And like the “hero” that he thinks he is, took off like a bat out of hell, drifting out on to the highway. And like that, back to normal.
Since he was let go, the schedule changed just a little bit, and instead of being the mid shift guy today, in order to have coverage, I’ll be closing today.
That meant I got to sleep in another hour today. I think I’ve gotten more sleep this week, than I’ve had in a while.
But before human form, coffee.