I’ve got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby – come with me Friday, don’t say maybe

TGI-motherfucking F. It’s finally Friyay. Course since I’m the “floater” at work, I’m working tomorrow. Yay. I’m not looking forward to it, but that’s ok, it’s a paycheck.

I’m home from a slow morning/early afternoon. We got everything done, and still had time to just be bored at work today. Even more so, we had a third person there today. Least I’m not him, he’s there until 4.

I got a text from my mom, she made it to CapitalCity, and picked up my dad from the hospital. He’s ready to come home. So they’ll be home in a few hours. I’m sure he’ll sleep all the way home, and then probably most of the weekend.

I’m gonna try to stay awake again for the afternoon. I crashed last night. Least I can sleep in a little bit before I have to be in tomorrow. It’ll just be a long day. 2 people, 8.5 hours and then it’ll be the weekend – for a day. Then I’ll be back to work again. yippee

Warm touchin’ warm reachin’ out touchin’ me, touchin’ you

Here I am. Off work, and determined to not take a nap today. I think I slept just a little longer than normal, so I had a bit of a problem falling asleep last night. No, lemme rephrase that. I didn’t have a problem falling asleep. I shot awake, or twitched really hard, and then I was awake. It took me a little longer then to fall asleep.

So I’m home now, and I have the news on. And the yawning has started. It doesn’t help, that I can look over at Chaucer, and he’s curled right back up, and is sleeping. Pippin is perfectly loaded looking out the front window.

Other than that, nothing much is happening. We’re taking my mom out for dinner tonight. So tonight is our is our date night instead of tomorrow. Tomorrow, my mom is driving back up to CapitalCity to spring my dad out of the hospital. He just spent the last week, doing his first round of chemotherapy I believe. We probably won’t go over on Sunday, to let him rest up a little more.

Give ’em the old razzle dazzle

So yeah, I wore the loud hoodie today. Only one person mentioned that I was very bright this morning. But then it got too warm to wear the hoodie, so I took it off. No one mentioned what my t-shirt said.

“My mom says I’m special.”

My mom noticed it right away, and said that I was special. Aww, thanks mom!

Anyways, work wasn’t too bad. It seemed like the time just flew by. Thankfully though, I’m home now. And I’m pretty tired. I think I might nap for a little bit.