‘Cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining

Morning, all. It’s been raining, I think for all night. These goddamn farmers better be happy with all this rain, cause I sure ain’t. I’m not even impressed. Now, it’s just warm, and I still have to wear a coat.

We’re all awake here, and Chaucer wants into my lap. He’s slowly making his way on to my lap. He’ll snuggle until I finish posting, then it’ll be time to start the day. He’s just happy to be on my lap. He’s a good boy.

Other than that, Pippin is up and looking out the front window. She cried a little to put the table out the back door. I explained why I wasn’t going to open the door for her this morning. She probably didn’t understand, but I said my piece and I think she’s ok with it.

Closing shift for a couple of days. I have to actually close the store a least a couple days this week and at least once next week, because my fears have come true, I’ll be the head honcho in a couple of weeks, ON A SATURDAY.

Oh joy.

I need more coffee.

Happy Tuesday you great people. I hope you have a drier day than I’ll be having!

Und hatten alle einen struppigen Barbarenbart (gar nicht apart)

Good rainy afternoon my friends. I hope y’all are safe and happy. I’m home now, just in time. It’s just started to rain here. Add to that, some gusty high winds, and you have a pretty crappy afternoon

I got home, and the bog witch was of course sitting in the dark, which prompted me in asking if I had paid the power bill. She laughed, I laughed, the bog gurgled.

Wait, what?

I’m home as I said, and Chaucer has jumped up into my lap, and has made himself very comfortable. It’ll suck for him if I go and lay down. Which I might.

So yeah, that’s the day. I think I might go and lie down. Maybe I can convince Crystal to put down the video game controller and come and nap. Probably not. She’s kicking ass at the game. Well snuggle what I get up in a little bit.

My new avatar.

Two steppin’ on the table, she don’t need a dance floor Oh my, good Lord

It is bright out there. Very bright. And so far, warm out there. I opened the window for the kittens. Both kittens are sitting on the table looking out the window.

The coffee has been brewed and we’re quietly consuming. Dateline is playing on TV. Soon, chores will start. I’ll be helping Crystal with her hair this morning as well. So that’ll be fun and interesting, as I’ve never helped with loc maintenance.

Yesterday was a pretty nice day. Just gray. It was nicely warm, but today, not a cloud in the sky, and the sun is very warm. It should be a nice day out there.

We popped over to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, and other random stuffs. It was a nice day for a drive. I think we were in and out in our usual time.

So, let’s get our coffee on, and enjoy this beautiful morning. Happy Sunday, y’all!

I got my hands up, they’re playin’ my song

Good Saturday morning, all you party people! Yep, that’s right- it’s the weekend! All of us are awake, some are stalking around the Flat. Pippin is begging us to open the back door, so she can lord over the land. She just doesn’t understand that we don’t have a fur coat on. And it’s still a little chilly out there. She’s currently looking out the front window.

It’ll have to do for a little while.

I slept like the dead last night. I really don’t think I moved from my original position until a couple of minutes before the alarm went off. Thankfully, I remembered to reset the alarm before going to sleep. I really didn’t want the alarm going off at 4:30.

Not too much on deck for today. We do have to travel into SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies. And possibly some Subway for lunch. That’s later on in the morning that we’ll do that.

Right now, it’s coffee time.