Bonne fête du Canada!

Good morning! It’s supposed to be gray, and rainy out there. Happily, right now, it’s bright and sunny. We just had a squirrel digging in a flower pot.

I don’t think I really have too much to say. Yesterday, we didn’t do anything extra. It was just chore day. I started it a little late, because I slept in a little. I slept in a little this morning too.

Not too much planned for today. We weren’t prepared for a nice day. I have to complete my propane book, as I might have a test tomorrow. I do have to bake a cake. For what? You may ask.

Just because.

Ok, Ima take off. I need more coffee and allergy pills. Happy Canada Day!

I tell them it’s just your culture and everyone rolls their eyes

Good morning everyone. It’s bright ass, and sunny out there in the real world. Looks like just a slight breeze as well. It looks like it’ll be a nice day out there. Both kitties are sitting in the back door taking in the sun and watching all that they own. You see everywhere the sun can reach, they own that. They think at least lol.

Starting at 9am yesterday, I was at Shady Acres, working on the Hot Mess Express. Over the course 8/9 hours we replaced all the brake pads, and rotors, and I changed the oil. The weather was perfect for outside car repair. If my dad is half as sore as I am this morning. I feel terrible for him. He was supposed to instruct me on the repairs. I think he’s missed working on a car, I would take everything apart, and he would replace the parts, then I would put everything back together. Repeat 4 times.

Today, I’ll be working just a little slower on the chores. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this stiff and sore. But it’s a good stiff and sore. lol. Soon I’ll start up the ol chores, but right now, I’m just going to enjoy the coffee, and the closeness to Crystal ❤️

Viva la Weekend!

Blinded by the light revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night

Today, I’m playing the role of a mechanic. I have clothes on, and I’m ready to get dirty. I’m going to enjoy being with my dad, and possibly enjoy working with my hands, but I’m not looking forward to this.

But, it’s bright and sunny outside! It’s like yesterday’s rains never happened at all. it’s really nice out there. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed in the forecast, so I won’t look at that lol.

I slept like the dead last night. I reset my alarm and gained an extra two hour of sleep. When the alarm went off this morning, both kitties were on the bed with us. Chaucer is currently stalking around the apartment, and of course Pippin is glued to the back door.

So let’s have some coffee and snuggles with all kitties, and enjoy this wonderful sunny long weekend Saturday!

I thank my wicked dreams a year from Tennessee

Hey hey! Posting later and later these days. Well, I have a reason for this. I got out of work, had to head to Shady Acres to switch out vehicles. Which, by the way, I’m keeping until I go back over there tomorrow to work on the brakes, and oil change.

From there, I hit up the DMV. 2 person office, by the way. I had to make my yearly payment for my drivers license. With a roll of loonies. Then to the bank! I had to deposit some money from the yard sale. Then quickly to the post office to grab the weeks mail.

After that, off to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, and to refill the weed. There was a booth set up extolling the greatness of “local weed”. They had donuts. Both of us had a donut, then I bought us the carts, and we were back on the way to TinyTown.

It’s raining. Not hard (at times). My god it’s the end of June. Canada Day is literally days away, and I’m still wearing layers. This summer has started wicked slow. We’re expecting thunder storms on the first.

Good times.

Now we’re just watching some news before going out to the local restaurant for date night. It was a pretty good day. The rain held off until I was off work, so that’s always a good thing.

Let the weekend begin!