I don’t care that you’re a stoner red wine supernova, fall right into me

It’s so close to the weekend, I can taste it. I’ve been closing most of the week. It’s not too bad. It’s busier than the morning shift, but other than that, it’s pretty much the same, just in reverse.

We’re up, mostly dressed, partially caffeinated, and almost awake. I’ve been wearing a makeshift mask at night, as the fan kind of annoys whichever ear is up. It’s taken a little getting used to, but it’s really nice. I’ll have to look for an actual mask, as I’m just using a buff that was bought during the Pandemic.

Been catching what I can from the Olympics. I’ve been enjoying being a sports fan for a couple of weeks. I like cheering for Canada, and the US, and all other countries that I enjoy. It’s fun to watch all sorts of different sports that I normally wouldn’t watch.

It’s the town wide festival this weekend. I’m having reservations about going. I mean I want to go and to go to the small concert Saturday evening. But it is rather expensive. On the other hand, fuck all happens in this town, except for this once a year festival. It would be like, $75 for both of us to go to the fun stuff in the afternoon, and the concert at night. That doesn’t include any drinks. I’ll talk with Crystal today or tomorrow to see what she would like to do. I’m flip flopping on it. One moment I want to go and have a yum lunch, and pet farm animals, and on the other hand, I have to pay to get in, pay to eat, and we’re back home in about 20-30 minutes, until it’s time for the concert.

We’ll see.

More coffee please.

Sexy, confident so intelligent she is heaven-sent so soft, so strong

I almost slept through the night!

It’s bright and sunny, and warm. I think it’s again, shaping up to be a warm day out here in TinyTown. The old people are complaining about the heat.

I’m not complaining about the heat at all. Like McDonald’s, I’m lovin’ it. There’s just a bit of a breeze so far today.

Work was wicked busy yesterday. Hopefully today will be a bit more relaxed. It went from about 2:30ish to about 8:15. It was just, what’s more than steady? It was that. It just didn’t stop. I mean, the day went quickly, but damn, man, I’d like a breather!

But today, I’ll be heading up to the hardware store, and possibly the grocery store to look for some ant traps. We’re losing the battle right now, so hopefully our attack will help the cause.

I need more coffee. Happy Wednesday, my friends!

Hurry up, it’s time for supper order up, I’m hot to go

Good morning everyone. It’s morning. It’s gonna be a long rest of the week, I think. For the rest of the week, I’ll be the adult in the store. I’ll be closing the store. but right now, I have my beautiful girl, some kitties, which are ignoring us, and coffee.

It’s Tuesday morning, and it looks like it’ll be a nice day. Looks like it’ll be a high of 88° out there. In a few minutes, I’ll scrub the floor again. We have a slight problem with some ants. It’s not a big deal. We have to deal with ants every summer.

I slept like the dead last night. We woke up early, Crystal thought that I was opening this morning, and woke up scared that my alarm didn’t go off. We did our best to fall back asleep. I probably fell asleep again, and I’m guessing that since Crystal woke up abruptly, she was up until the alarm went off.

I’ve still been following the Olympics. Canada is doing pretty good (I think), with 2 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals so far. That’s not too bad!

But I will hit an eight-year-old in the face with a participation trophy

Man, I’m tired. And I’m totally stuffed up allergy wise. I was up before the alarm went off. I wasn’t up because I wanted to. I didn’t check my alarm before going to bed. (Even though I knew it was set, and set to radio) At 3:30, my mind said, maybe it’s not set. You don’t want to over sleep.

So I dozed. Then guess what? The alarm went off. Mos yeah, I’m tired.

Work was ok. NewNewNewGuy is training today. So I didn’t have a lot to do. I scrolled YouTube Shorts. Then I stopped that, so I wouldn’t spoiler Deadpool and Wolverine.

Good times.

So I’m home now. I want to nap, but I don’t want to at the same time. I’ll just sit.