But there’s no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you

I think that it’s Tuesday. I passed out again last night. But, I was up around 6ish, just to go to the bathroom. Then back to bed, and I passed out again, after I found my mask.

Out. Like. A. Light.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. There were three of us on the night shift. New guy is training nights, so he’ll be there all week. It was slow, and he was saying that “it’s not so bad, I think day shift is a lot busier than night shift.” We tried to explain that it’s usually a lot busier. But you could tell by his face, he didn’t believe us.

Working nights again tonight, then off tomorrow. We’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown to find a birthday present for my mom, and really it’s an excuse to go to the second hand store.

I’m knackered again, come on sleep take me soon

Again, I’m awake.

Again, when Crystal nudged me, it scared me. But, thankfully, when I woke up, I didn’t have to save the world. It sounded like it was gonna be a doozy too.

I’d rather have a kitten on my lap.

Which I have right now.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. I did the regular Sunday chores, and brunch. After brunch was cleaned up, I decided to play some Echos of Wisdom. I wanted to get the ice shoes, and then I went into the final dungeon.

Yep, I beat the game. It’s a really really fun game I really enjoyed playing it. It took a little bit to figure it all out, and I’m really not good with puzzles, but I figured out probably 80-95% of them mostly on my own, with a little help from the queen that sits next to me. She’s very good at puzzles.

But it’s back to work again. Happy Monday, and all that happy bullshit. I’m still trying to get my eyes to focus.

Let’s go out and kick today in the nuts!

I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest

I’m awake.

The bed was so snuggly, I didn’t want to leave. But I had to. I got shit to do. But currently I have Chaucer holding me down. He’s snuggled right in.

I slept like the dead.

Today, we don’t have too much on our table. I have laundry to do. Brunch to cook, and later, I’ll be hauling 10 bags of wood pellets into Shady Acres.

I don’t really have too much else to say, so here’s a picture. Look at that for a little while, it’ll take some time for me to wake up. Happy Sunday my friends, pop over to Crystal’s page to ask her about a cake!

We were flung into dance as the train jigged and reeled

I made it to work on time, and proceeded to do all the opening stuff related to opening a retail establishment. I got that done, and one or two bonus tasks, and then we were open. It was slow at the beginning, but slowly, it picked up.

Thankfully, the opening shift is only 7 hours. When I was time to leave, I drove to my parents place and switched vehicles. I picked up Crystal, and we were off to SlightlyBiggerTown for much needed supplies. Since we both didn’t have lunch we grabbed Subway to go. And go we did. Back at the house I again switched vehicles, and came home to eat.

After good time, I regaled Crystal with some YouTube Shorts, and now I just finished feeding the cats. Pippin beat Chaucer to my lap. So he’s a little put out.

No to relax. Happy Saturday, yo.