I don’t believe in God, but I believe that you’re my savior

Good morning. We’re awake, and I’m surrounded by kittens. Crystal is on the other side of Chaucer.

Oh, and it’s froggy out there again.

But to combat that, we have central heating and cats to keep us warm. And they’re doing a great job in keeping me warm, at least. The coffee is helping as well.

We didn’t do too much yesterday. I went up to shady acres, and to get a new dresser. I put it in my mom’s truck and drove it back to the Flat. From there, we drove to SlightlyBiggerTown for a couple of supplies.

After everything had been procured, we drove home, and are out Subway lunch. After lunch, I got red if the old dresser, and installed the new one in it home.

We didn’t do too much after that. It’s nice to be able to do nothing. It totally relaxed me, and I was ready to fall asleep by 8ish but managed to made it to bedtime.

Let’s kick the day in the nuts and get started!

Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King

Woohoo! We finally made it to the weekend. Finally. The week went pretty quickly, so I can’t complain too much. Suddenly it was yesterday. So yeah, here we are.

I opened up the curtains, and boy, is it froggy out there. Hopefully it’ll lift. In a couple of hours, we’ll pop over to SlightlyBiggerTown for some weed, and some lunch. Before that, I’ll be heading up to Shady Acres to grab a dresser.

But before all that, I have Chaucer on my lap, and a half full cup of coffee. The cat will definitely have to move after I finish posting. Then I’ll get dressed and do all sorts of “I can totes function as an adult”. You know what I’m talking about.

So I guess, let’s start the day. Happy Saturday.

You better stay away from him, he’ll rip your lungs out Jim

Good morning my friends. It’s finally Friyay! That was my first thought when I woke up this morning. Yep just one more shift, and the weekend is ours!

Not a lot of trick or treaters came out. Mostly older kids, but we did get a couple of young ones as well. But yeah it wasn’t a bad shift. Steady for the most part.

It’s still kinda gray out there. It is fall, so we’re not really due for sun for about 6 months. So I guess we better get used to gray days. But in a positive note, it doesn’t seem windy, so that’s a good thing for sure.

I think I’ll end this post, as Crystal just said. You haven’t posted yet. Yep, I forgot, and was looking at memes. So happy Friyay!

Time has brought your heart to me

Happy Thursday! Wait, is it Thursday? What day is it. It’s a day that ends in y. I just double checked, it is Thursday! Woohoo, it’s almost the weekend! I have both cats snuggled up on my legs.

Happy Halloween everyone! I’m planning on getting dressed up, and looking like a contributing member of society. Think I can pull it off?

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. Busy, but not overwhelming. I was the perfect amount of whelmed. The day went mostly quickly, and we were out minutes after closing the shop.

Back to work again this afternoon. Two more shifts and the weekend is mine.

Be safe this all hallows eve.