You ain’t never fuck with no boss bitch, I turned you out

Hey hey. Laundry day is in full effect. I’ve been up since about 4ish this morning. I had to be at work on a holiday. The first couple of hours were very slow, but after the Remembrance Day ceremonies business started to pick up a little.

When my relief came, I hightailed it out as quickly as I could.

I’m home now, and like I said, the laundry is going. I want to get it done today that way when I’m off on Wednesday, all I need to do is vote and come back to the flat.

Also, I really like wearing clean clothes to work.

I have both cats on me and I’m starving. I looked for stuff for dinner at work but nothing jumped out at me, so we’ll probably pop over to the restaurant across the street for dinner.

Well worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. That’s a problem for future me. Future me hates past me for doing this a lot.

Ok time to forage for something good to eat. And some water.

Kicking back on your couch, making eyes from across the room

Good morning people. We’re up at this ungodly hour, because I have to work today. Yep, on the lords day.

We went to bed and I passed right the heck out. I think I only really woke up around 5, and that was just really to see what time it was. I fell back asleep.

After work, we really didn’t do too much. Crystal started installing the dreads yesterday, and decided her hair was still a little too slippery, so I think she might try today whilst I’m at work.

I also have to remember a pizza tonight, or we’ll starve! Well, we wouldn’t starve, but dinner would be hodge podge of a lot of little things that are in the freezer.

Ok, coffee. Then a shower

Playin’ with the Queen of Hearts

Hello fellow humans. It is I, Shawshank. I’m home from work, and the queen is putting her dreads in her hair. Later on, it’s breakfast for dinner. Should be good.

Work was slow at the start but picked up the closer we got to shift change. I stayed a couple of minutes longer to help them through and then I came home.

Not too much to report. We didn’t do too much yesterday. And we won’t do too much tonight either. It was an early morning. Sunday will be an early one too but then I’m back to nights. Yay!

I’m going to watch some tv now I think. Happy Saturday!

I don’t believe in God, but I believe that you’re my savior

Hey we are finally Friyay. Doesn Friyay still work as Friyay when you’re work g the entire weekend? Either way, it’s a day off for me. That means it’s date night tonight! It’s definitely been a while since we’ve had a Friday night off.

Last night at work, wasn’t too bad. It was steady enough that we were busy for most of the night. But not busy enough to stress us out. The night moved pretty quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting on the couch.

I don’t know what we’re going to do. Probably just hang out and enjoy each other’s company. I have to remember on my next day off, I have to go the town hall and vote for town council, and the town mayor. That’ll be exciting.

But I’m going to enjoy my day off. Happy Friyay everyone! I need more coffee.