Walk straight into this mess of mine

I’m awake and not liking it. I had a terrible sleep. A noise woke me up and I was completely sober. You see I smoke weed to shut the TV off in my mind. So I’m jolted awake – it could’ve been a cat. I don’t know what time it was. The TV in my mind was going full blast. I slowly try to concentrate on one “channel”. I’d slowly filter out all the other “channels” out of my mind, the a random noise would bring all the other channels would come back full force.

Finally I fell asleep.

I think I was then up early. With a cat walking on me or something. Yep. Good morning Chaucer.

Just need to make it through the shift today. Then I can relax a little bit for two days. I’ve done 80% of the laundry already, so chore day will be really easy this Sunday.

Coffee, the bringer of life. Bring me to life please, because it’s Friyay! And payday!

Fendi on my body, but my feet is in Bottega, bitch I’m getting money, get the fuck up outta here

Here I am, awake. I’m waiting for the results of the town election. I’m very curious to see if my coworker is going to get elected. So I’m waiting on the town, which notoriously slow at everything any ways to post the results.

I slept like the dead. The bed was so comfy and warm, I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. But here we are. Both awake with some coffee.

Crystals Chromebook shit itself again this morning. I have already told her what I’m getting her for Christmas, so I’ll probably start in on that middle of next month. I already have my parents presents.

Speaking of Christmas, I guess I should dust off my Christmas wishlist and pass it out to the family. It’s simple- jeans and shoes, probably. I haven’t asked for anything fun for years.

But right. I’ve, there’s no snow, and it doesn’t look too windy out there! Woot!


I’m glad I came here with your pound of flesh

The department of Government Efficiency?

What the actual fuck?

Blessed be the fruit.

May the Lord open.

Good morning my dystopian friends it’s Wednesday, I think and it looks like it’s gonna be a sunny cool day,, with just a little bit of a breeze.

I slept like the dead last night until about 4am. I got up and found my mask, and padded into the bathroom to take care of some bathroom things. Then I was back in bed, out like a light. The bed was perfectly nice and warm.

I don’t have a lot planned today. In a couple of hours, I’ll pop over to town hall, and vote for the town council. I work with a guy that is running for council. He’s starting to get nervous about possibly winning. Crystal said last night that he wants to win, but he’s totally scared that he’s going to win.

When we left work last night I said I hope he gets what he truly wants tomorrow. I hope he wins. Then he’ll be doing big boy things and not just working at a convenience store. Honestly, I think it would be good for him.

After I vote, I’ll walk over to the grocery store, and pick up a few supplies. And head back to the flat and relax. Two more days of work. Then I get the weekend off.

It’s supposed to snow this weekend.

Abracadabra, got rappers and trappers Yeah, I got some tricks up my sleeve

My beautiful wife allowed me to sleep in this morning. Lemme tell you it’s a lot nicer to wake up at 7:45 than it is to wake up at 4:30. Plus it’s day light when I wake up. That’s pretty noice.

Like I said yesterday, we didn’t do too much when I got home. We went out for dinner. There wasn’t too much to choose from at my work, and we were pretty much the only retail establishment that was opening. I had to check the news letter, to see if the restaurant was even going to be open.

It’s another day here in TinyTown.

I’ve tried for a day and a half to upload this picture. Something fucky is going on in the back end of my site I think. If this keeps up, I’ll send a ticket to the host, so they can give me a vague non answer that will annoy everyone involved, which in turn will never get fixed, and I’ll just have to live with it.

Happy Tuesday!