These so-called vacations will soon be my death. I’m so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest

Good morning y’all. It’s a little warmer today than it was yesterday. But I think it supposed to get just a little colder until the end of next week, and then it’ll hit freezing I think – before the wind, of course!

I woke up early. It was shortly after 4, and again I said to myself, if I was up a 4:45, I’ll leap out of bed happy. Then my alarm scared me when it went off at 5. I get up and out of bed and do the bathroom stuff m, then I turned on the coffee pot and fed the animals.

Chaucer, got up and went to sleep beside me in the little bed I made for him the night before. He stayed there until I got up and left. He’s currently laying on my lap, as happy as can be. Pippin is in the window, enjoying some of the sunbeams filtering in.

Tomorrow will be chore day. And the fun part. Yesterday my mom texted me, saying that they’ve moved the trucks around at Shady Acres, and to jump my car and park it up there. I guess we’re gonna be driving my mom’s truck now. So tomorrow, whilst doing my chores, I’ll jump the Hot Mess, and drive it up there.

Not too much happens in TinyTown. And that’s just the way I likes it.

And tonight I wanna lay it at your feet ’cause, girl, I was made for you and, girl, you were made for me

Good morning, and hap hap happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I struggled to find a Valentine’s Day song to serenade Crystal this morning, and I couldn’t find one. I thought of a song when I was half asleep this morning, but I when I was awake, I couldn’t remember the song.

But we exchanged presents, and I got a goodie that looks very snuggly, and a Chinese Lego set. I can’t wait to build it! They accidentally sent two, so I’ll have bookends!

Work wasn’t too bad. It was just busy enough to keep us on our toes, just the way I like to work. It made the time move pretty quickly, and before I knew it, I was back home.

Other than that, today will be a nice day off before having to go into work tomorrow, at the ass crack of dawn. I’ll have to remember to text my coworker, and see if he needs a ride in tomorrow morning. But that’s a job for future Shawshank. Present Shawshank doesn’t have to worry about that right now.

I really need to get up for more coffee. Happy Friday y’all!

Kicking back on your couch, making eyes from across the room

Why do days off always go by so quickly? It seems like just two short days ago that I was starting my days off. Now, today’s the day to go back to work for a shift.

Then I have Friday off.

Back to work again Saturday morning. Lol.

We had a good day off yesterday. I sang to Crystal as soon as I woke up. She really appreciates these things, pretty much melted into my arms as I sung yesterday. But we got up and I got her present together, and slipped some baileys into her coffee mug. I got her an oversized hoodie. I think she loves it.

After I while I got up, and dressed. I jumped the Hot Mess, and got it started. I went up and to make a long story short, grabbed the mail, delivered it, borrowed the vacuum, and dropped off my mom’s truck. And took the Hot Mess for a bit of a drive.

For dinner, we made quarter pounder bacon cheese burger and tater tots. It was really good. I struggled to finish the burger. After, I did the dishes and we watched TV.

I think it was a great birthday for the Beautiful One. Back to reality today. The coffee is hot, and the kitty snuggles have begun.

Happy Thursday!!

You’re older than you’ve ever been

First off, happy birthday to the Beautiful One. She’s so freakin awesome. I hope she has a great day! She’s already opened her present, and it’s already being worn, which is awesome.

There’s not much we’re going to do today I’ll try and start the Hot Mess once the sun is out and kinda warming shit up. Hopefully it’ll start. And I’ll be returning my mom’s truck.

Other than that, coffee. Relaxing. It’s a celebration today!