You can be my Yoko Ono you can follow me wherever I go

Morning y’all. Just a quick post this am, as I have a few extra minutes today. I was setting up to make lunch today, and suddenly realized that I’m an idiot, who forgot to take the bread out of the freezer. So now I have to buy lunch at work. That annoys me. I hope this doesn’t colour the rest of the day.

It’s a little colder out today. It’s clear and just a little bit breezy at the house so I know it’s gonna be even windier at work. I’m wearing the big coat today. I do like getting up this early for one simple thing the town is still sleeping, and there are no sounds outside right now it is perfectly calm, peaceful and quiet, all you can hear is the wind.

I seem to be waking up just a couple times in the night. Never getting up? But just looking at the clock, then doing math so I know how much time I have left, if I were to fall asleep right then. Once at 1:30, and once again right before the alarm clock.

So yeah welcome to Thursday. Let’s kick today in the nuts.

And without you is how I disappear

Hey hey party people, it’s ya boy. I’m home from work. It’s getting better – back pain wise. I could walk up right when I left, which is a good thing! I may not have to take some painkillers this afternoon.

And of course it’s getting easier to get up in the mornings, especially when I only have a couple of days left on opening shift. Next week, I’m told, I’ll be closing all next week. Yay.

I met the I guess district manager today when he dropped off the grocery order. He’s a typical district manage – a blowhard. You know the type that likes to tease the manager. So of course I just did the usual routine of buttering up. When BossLady had thought he was following behind her, and was surprised when he wasn’t, I piped up and said of course he’s not following you he charts his own course – which he loved and immediately promoted me to store manager.

I declined the promotion.

We did more out of dates today. I brought home some mashed potato’s and some oregano. Not too shabby, but I was shut down when I asked when we did out of date gas.

Spoiler alert: we don’t get free gas, lol. But I was told, when they do change the price of gas, we’re allowed to fuel up before the price change goes into effect, as long as it’s not too busy. That’s cool!

Ok, time to relax. Have a great Wednesday y’all.

Can’t you see I need you so?
Hold me close against your skin I’m about to begin

Oh, hey. How’s it going? I survived day two. It was slower than yesterday, so we got to put out some deliveries. Three deliveries came in, and three deliveries got put out.

BossLady also wanted some gip-rock moved, so we both did that, we’re now both hurting. But it’s now out of the way. But for most of the shift, we were busy which is nice. One woman came in and apologized for the mess that she was making. She basically walk around the store with pug shit on her boots, so after she left, I mopped. No sooner did I dump the mop water, and put everything away, 4 guys come in and tracked mud ALL THROUGHOUT THE STORE.

BossLady mopped half the store while I mopped the other half. Teamwork makes the dream work. 🤣

Other than that, my first day was pretty good. Wicked busy, but good. I almost fell asleep on the couch when I got home, but I just got up and puttered around. I made Crystal some air fried chickpeas, and tonight, we’re almost having brunch. I brought home some expired (yesterday) raisin bread, and she says that she’ll make me French toast for dinner, so of course I took out the last of the bacon


Not to relax and sink into the couch and not think about my back for a little bit. Happy Tuesday!

If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says fifteen miles to the, love shack, love shack yeah

Yep new day, new job. Getting up at this hour – 4:30, wasn’t too bad this morning. Course that’s probably all nerves. This won’t be too long of a post, because I gotta make some lunch.

But yeah, I went to bed an hour early last night, and I didn’t even feel Crystal get into bed. I was out. I woke up quickly once, around 2ish, but went back to sleep pretty quickly.

But I’m awake, and my love hopefully is still asleep in the bedroom. I hope that she has a good day. I hope that I have a good day. I just wanted to leave a note for you guys.

Let’s do this. Happy Monday y’all.