It’s getting freaky on the floor feel that rumbling sound

Good morning world. We’re all awake here. Chaucer is crying to try and trash talk Pippin. Pippin is off somewhere doing Pippin things. The coffee has given us a gift this morning, in the form of liquid energy. I had a good sleep.

I can’t remember if I got up in the night. I think I looked at the clock at one point, but I don’t remember what time it was. I slept like the dead. I’m not too sore this morning. Over at Shady Acres, we ended up moving 3 beds. One from out of my mom’s room – that one will be sold on Facebook marketplace. One from my grandmothers room to my mom’s room. And my dad’s bed from the basement, up to my grandmothers room. Then some things out of my dad’s basement room, up to his new room upstairs.

Whew. I hurt this morning.

Thankfully, there’s nothing to do today. Other than the typical chores for a Sunday. Plus, brunch. We can’t forget the goodness that is brunch. There’s nothing else planned. Possibly a nap this afternoon. Maybe not. Who knows, the whole day is ours to do what we want.

I need more coffee. Have a super Sunday my friends!

There’s a finger on her lips and a swagger in her hips

Good morning, world. It’s ya boy, Shawshank. We’re awake, and I’ve slept in. All last week, I’ve been getting up at 4:30, so today, when it’s my day off, I slept in until the alarm went off at 7. Well that’s a bit of a lie, I’ve been mostly up since shortly after 6. I got up and peed, and climbed back into bed. I couldn’t really breathe, no matter which side I tried to sleep on. That’s ok, because I still slept in.

Not too much on deck for today. Once it gets light outside, I’ll text my mom and ask her if coming over at 2 would be fine. I have to help to move a bed from the basement, to the main floor. Then I have to unload the wood pellets from the truck. I had forgotten about the wood pellets.

But before all that happens, there’s just relaxation this morning. I’m still sore from Thursday, when I had to go over to Shady Acres to fill up some jugs with pellets. I think I filled up 5 or 6 of them just to get them through the rest of the week. So I’m a little twitchy from that every time I sit down my back, right beside my right shoulder blade now likes to twitch.

The coffee tastes pretty good this morning. I think I like the taste of it at 7 am. It hits different at 4:30. It had a job to do at 4:30, and it’s not allowed to be late. Days off for coffee, is like working from home. It shows up when it wants to, and says drink of me, and prosper. At 4:30, it’s like an intense staff meeting that is simply to wake me up. It’s not fun but needs to happen. I much prefer days off.

Ok, I’m rambling. Let’s get our coffee on, and start the day. I hope y’all enjoy your weekend. Let’s make the best of it. Oh shit, I need bread, y’all. Bread.

And I’ve only just realised that I’m actually so far out your league

Finally, it’s motherfucking Friyay! It’s been a hella long week for me. Up wicked early all week. I get a bit of a reprieve next week, as I’m closing for two days, and then three opening shifts. Not the greatest, but it could be worse.

You see, a coworker quit only giving 1 weeks notice, so with all the schedules being changed, my manager decided that this week was the week that I get trained on how to open, and to be a key holder. Today was the day that I opened the store under basic supervision. I managed to get the store open, with only one mistake.

That’s a good thing.

But the day was wicked slow. Like our first customer came in at 7:17. Just about an hour and half after we opened. It stayed slow like that until about 1. Course it was really really foggy out there. It’s just started to lift about an hour ago. But it’s still windy out there.

I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow.

I’m so tired.

I’ll be ok? Because today is date night. I’m trying to decide between breakfast for dinner, or wings. I’ll have to figure it out before we get there. I’m thinking wings. I’m kinda craving something spicy.

Now shoutout the radio station that gave you what you wanted

Hey hey. Tired Shawshank here today. One of the other employees gave a weeks notice, and so I’ve been forced to better myself at work. I’m now learning to be a key-holder. Yay. So I got the basics this morning. I’ll have to be on my A game tomorrow.

I slept pretty ok last night. I think I only opened my eyes once, around 4. I was overjoyed that I had another half an hour to sleep. And sleep I did. With weird dreams. We’ve been watching The Midnight Club on Netflix, because I want something mindless, yet also fun to watch – and I’m struggling to get through the last half of the last season of Supernatural. I mean how many time can these assholes actually come back from the dead? Way too many times, if you ask me. I think It’s starting to affect my dreams. Nothing scary or anything like that, just weird.

I don’t think there’s too much to do tonight. Crystal is making beef stroganoff for dinner tonight. That’ll be yumtastic for sure. I think though for a snack, I’ll just have a couple of slices of bread and butter. But that’ll have to wait until Chaucer gets up off my lap.