I think of all the education that I’ve missed but then my homework was never quite like this

Happy birthday to Crystal!

We’re up, and all that happy horse shit. The coffee has been brewed, and Crystal has opened her presents. I’m sure she’ll talk and show them over on her page – I suggest that you check it out.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. We didn’t do too much. I did the chores and such, but mostly we just relaxed and didn’t do too much. We went over to Shady Acres, and I cleaned the wood stove. No big deal.

Nothing major on the books today. I do have to pop over to the grocery store to grab some chocolate chips for the pumpkin chocolate chip cake I’ll be making after brunch. I have a candles and everything!

Even though it’s Crystal’s birthday, I have to go back to work tomorrow. And since I have today off, I’ll be working on Saturday. I’m not excited about that, but it is what it is, and I’ll be there on Saturday lol.

There was a football game last night, I’m told. We didn’t watch it, but I did keep an eye on the score. It looked like a very good close game the whole time. That’s the type of game that I like. So congrats to the superb owl winners.

Glaciers melting in the dead of night

Hello world.

Good morning, greetings and salutations. It’s a dark Sunday morning here in TinyTown. The coffee is brewing, and we’re awake, but not liking it this morning. After almost a week of setting the alarm for 4:30, it sure is nice to sleep in until 7. I had gotten up around 5, I think to go to the bathroom. I thought to myself, it’s gonna suck to reset the alarm for 4:30 tonight. And I was sad about it, until my mind told me, fool! You have Monday off! Rejoice! Rejoice! I did, and went back to sleep.

In an effort to just be “in the moment” with Crystal, I didn’t play any video games yesterday. I tried to watch an interesting documentary on an abandoned town in Massachusetts. I didn’t make it all the way, and went into the bedroom for a lay down. Even with that hour and a half nap, I passed right out at the normal bed time.


I guess I needed the sleep.

Today will be a little bit the same. Except it’s chore day, which I’ll start in a little while. But it’ll be a lazy day here. Then this afternoon, we’ll be off to Shady Acres for dinner. Nothing major. But that’s later on this afternoon, so currently, it’s not even on the radar yet.

What is on the radar – coffee.

So I hope y’all have a great Sunday. It shouldn’t be too chilly out there. A little windy this afternoon, and possibly some sun peeking out before sunset.

Just chillin’ on the weekend, weekend sippin’ something on the cheap end, cheap end

Awake, and waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. On the weekend. It was glorious to sleep in today. Even though, I was up early to hop over to the bathroom. I came back to bed, and fell right asleep again.

It’s dark out, but doesn’t but doesn’t feel like it’s too cold or windy out there. I’ll check the weather app a little later. I don’t think it’s supposed to snow or anything like that today. I was at work before the snow started, and the next day after it had snowed. All the old people in the town that come to the store, aren’t really complaining about the snow they’re just ready for spring.

I am too.

But, this winter isn’t done with us yet. I don’t remember if I wrote out my theory here. I think we have at least one or two more cold snaps that we’ll have to deal with, along with one, possibly 2 more snow storms.

Mother Nature isn’t done with us yet.

Not too much on deck for us today. In a little while, I’ll make the shopping list, and we’ll head out to SlightlyBiggerTown and do it. I’ll have to wake up a little more. It’ll be a nice drive I think today.

I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (yuh, ah)

Why doesn’t it feel like a Friday?

It feels more like a Wednesday.

I’m back from work, and I don’t have to go in until Tuesday. That’s a good thing. It’s been a hella long ass week. But I got cheap gas today which is really nice.

Nothing much is too different here. I’m tracking Crystal’s birthday gift, and it won’t sadly get here until the day after her birthday. Goddamn it, I just can’t win! Thankfully, her original gifts arrived back in January, so I just have to get some wrapping paper when we go out tomorrow morning.

I don’t have anything else to say. I’m tired, slightly annoyed, but that’ll pass. So yeah, it’s fucking Friday. We have to go to the mediocre restaurant this evening, because the good one closed for the week. Annoying? Yep, but it’s understandable.

Happy Friday everyone.