And we’re glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife

Woke up to the weirdest sound. Only after the alarm went off did I see what had happened. I think Pippin knocked down the curtain rod in the bedroom. It’s an easy fix.

Crystal got up about 15ish minutes before the alarm went off. She’s wildly hot right now. I think she’s getting a little sick. I hope she gets feeling better soon. I’ll take care of her today.

Coffee has been brewed. It doesn’t taste all that bad today. Warm and liquidy. The kittens have been fed. The little black cat that has been visiting us for the last week or so wasn’t at the back door this morning. Crystal’s discord friends have dubbed him Zeppelin. It’s a good name for a kitty, if you ask me.

Chaucer is trying to get comfortable on top of Crystal. He’s worried about her.

I’m gonna do my morning stuff, and make sure Crystal is ok. Happy Monday everyone.

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