“Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true, Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil, Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet”
Good afternoon people. I assume that you’re waiting with bated breath for my post. As you should be. I assure you this will be the greatest post that you’ll read all day.
Trust me.
4:30 came wicked early this morning. I know I was up sometime in the night, but I didn’t roll over to see the time. Needless to say, the alarm scared me this morning, and I was groggy as all get out when I rolled over. I didn’t even know what time it was when I woke up.
Coffee brewed, clothes put on.
Then I was off to work. Driving in the freshly fallen snow. Yes, it fucking snowed last night. Enough to put down in the morning note to Crystal to not look out the windows this morning. I’d say it’s probably 70% melted now. But still, it’s April.
Work was well, work. We got some cleaning and stocking done before the delivery came in. We took care of customers, and just did our thing. I was happy when it was time to leave.
I now have Chaucer, not laying on me, but sitting on my lap, waiting patiently for another goldfish cracker from Crystal. I don’t think he’s gonna get another one. But he’s hoping.
I think I’m gonna nap for a little bit.
Happy Friyay!