And though you’re dead and gone, believe me your memory will carry on

Good Sunday morning everyone. Yep, it’s oh dark thirty, but from what Crystal says, the sun rise looks pretty neat this morning. I’d get up and look, but I have a very snuggly kitten on my lap. She jumped up first thing.

I slept like the dead last night. I snuggled and was snuggled. Then I was a little warm, and started to spin a little. Finally I found a little bit of comfort. Then the alarm went off. I must have been laying on my right arm, because it was tingly when I was doing my morning routine in the bathroom.

Work was slow yesterday, but that’s to be expected lately. That’s ok. I got some stuff done at work. I also played some solitaire. After work though, I walked back to the Flat, and watched Crystal play some Subnautica, then we bundled up and went to the town sponsored flea market.

Nothing really jumped out at me, but Crystal got a mason jar of goodness, but she didn’t see anything that she really needed to have, so we popped over to the little grocery store, grabbed some stuff and we headed back to the flat.

Crystal made an amazing dinner – Japanese curry with rice. We settled down and watched some great Netflix.

The coffee is really good this morning. It’s chore day today, which will be started shortly. I needs more coffee. Happy Sunday!

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