And the streets don’t change but maybe the names

Hello, good morning. We had a bit of a scare last night. I got up right at bed time to take a plate into the kitchen. I put the plate down, and told Crystal who was in the living room oh the whole world just went pear shaped. The next thing I know, Crystal is kneeling over me, trying to wake me up.

How did I get out here? I thought I slept walked out to the kitchen, and I was very confused for a couple of minutes. Then I passed out again. Crystal said it was almost like I had a small seizure. After that, I told her that I was fine, but I wasn’t in any shape to walk to the bedroom. So I crawled. Got undressed, and was helped into bed.

I think I managed to stay awake until Crystal got into bed, then I was out until around 6am. I’m sure Crystal didn’t sleep too much last night, probably waking up every time I moved. I feel ok, I think. Other that being so wickedly sore. I do remember asking if I broke my new glasses, but Crystal assured me that they’re just fine.

Happy Thursday everyone. I hope it’s a good day today. I need a win for sure.

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