And the girl in the corner that no one ignores ’cause she thinks she’s the passionate one

Another day, another war. We’re watching NBC News, which outsourced to Sky News out of the UK to provide the information to us. Because NBC News Now doesn’t have a weekend crew – they’re usually showing reruns of Dateline. So they have to outsource. I just looked up at the TV, and there was a tween holding a nine millimeter hand gun.

Not so good times.

We went to bed last night, and again, I’m pretty sure I found the position that I liked, and then proceeded to not move at all until the alarm went off. The bed was the perfect temperature for lazing in bed. I didn’t have a kitten snuggling me this morning. No, she was being weird, and was staring at me when I went into the bathroom. She was loafed in the bathtub.


But we got up, I got the coffee going, and gave Pippin a bit of a treat – I opened the back door, and cracked the window for her. She’s very happy looking out the back door. It looks like it might be a nice day. There’s blue sky peaking out.

We’re heading to SlightlyBiggerTown this morning for groceries and whatnot. Crystal wants to go to the dollar store to find some devils horns. I’m thinking we’ll head over to the general store, and maybe we’ll find her a puritan costume, so she can finally bring some class to the masses. Buckles. Buckles everywhere.

Either way, it’ll be a fun day. It always is when we go grocery shopping. I started the list last night, and heck, even added to it this morning. So we’ll head out in a few hours. We’ll get yummy food, and possibly lunch/dinner in the form of Subway, or maybe Little Caesar’s. Who knows! The world is our oyster – unless you want Popeyes. We can’t do Popeyes.

I’ll leave you with the greatness that is Chaucer. Happy Saturday my friends.

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