And if you get to heaven, I’ll be here waiting, baby

Awake! I have coffee, and I’m ready to greet the day! It’s Friday, and probably in a few hours, we’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown for the weekly grocery trip. So far (knocks on wood), I’m the only one awake.

So we’ll see what time we actually leave. My mom told my grandmother, that we’ll leave when everyone is ready, around 9:30-10.

I’ve been thinking about it, and if the second hand store is open, I’m going to go and get the Two Towers – I’m really trying not to be a completionist, it’s just annoying me to see book one, and book three on the shelf.

I can’t think of anything else to share right now. It’s almost time to start the weekend everyone! Only a couple more hours!

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