A pyramid of cans in the pale moonlight

Good morning, hap hap happy Friyay! It’s almost the weekend. It’s so close I can smell the parade that’s upcoming. It took a few extra minutes to try and get comfortable, and when I did, I crashed. It tossed and turned for a few. It was a little warm last night. But once I found my comfy, I was out.

I got up briefly to use the bathroom. I gave Pippin a quick pet and love, and crawled back into bed. I think I snuggled Crystal, but I’m not too sure. It may have been too warm to snuggle. I don’t think I moved once I got back into bed. I’m a little stiff this morning. When I feel like that, it usually means that I didn’t move too much.

Then the sounds of talk radio entered my mind, and I woke up. It usually goes off at the perfect time to hear a little about the weather. It didn’t disappoint, it’s supposed to be a little grayer today, and I think just a little cooler too.

But for right now, we have the news in, and we have coffee. Happy Friyay everyone!

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