Holy motherfucking shit, it’s motherfucking Friyay! It’s been a long, but pretty good week. Yep, I started a new job on Monday, zoned a lot of product. Put out, or helped put out 6 deliveries, and a lot of award winning customer service.
It’s been a good week. Hard getting up at 4:30am. Who knew that there was a 4:30am? I certainly didn’t know! But that’s ok, I got up with no problem each day. Although today, was just a little harder than a couple of days ago. It’s all good.
Yesterday I spent 4.5 hours staring at a computer doing the lottery CBL. It went over probably 6-8 games. I still don’t know how to play them, but I’m certified to sell them now. So it’s a whole other system to master. The computers there seem like they’re just cobbled together with the express purpose to just barely work together.
Christmas decorations went up today. I have my face taped to a Santa Claus, and I have my own Christmas stocking. lol.
Tonight is date night, so I can’t get into comfy clothes just yet. Soon though.
I don’t have too many plans for the weekend, any groceries that we need I can go to the flagstaff station or the grocery store to get them. Other than that, I’m not leaving the house.
Happy weekend friends!