A gin & tonic sounds mighty mighty good to me

Good morning. I’ve been up a couple of times this morning, starting at around 2:30 and then again, probably around 6:30ish perhaps. I didn’t look at the clock the second time, so it’s only a guess. But now, here we are, on the couch. I have Chaucer on my lap. The second time I woke up, I could hear Chaucer getting sick. Somewhere in the apt. Since I didn’t step on it when I got out of bed, I’m willing to guess that he probably popped under the bed. Him waiting for me to come to the couch is his way of saying I’m sorry.

Anyways, here we are in the couch. Crystal has been up for a while. If I wake up in the night, I always slowly open my eyes to see if Crystal’s screen is on. At 2:39, thankfully it wasn’t on, but I think when I woke up the second time, it was on. I can only hope that she recently got up. But she’s probably been up since around 5. But that’s just a guess.

So yeah, it’s Friyay. My last day of work at the furniture store. I’m racing to get as much stuff on the web as I possibly can. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I got a lot of stuff up yesterday. My helper tried, but Shannon just kept putting more and more stuff in her desk, so slowly, she just stopped to get other stuff done. I can only get done what I can get done. So that’s my mantra going into work today. Just do what I can do.

Tonight is date night as well! Woohoo! I have no idea what I’m going to order, but we’ll figure out that later today. But I need a refill of my coffee. So let’s get this motherfucking day started! Team kick ass!

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