5 books I’m glad I read in 2020

2020 was a year to be sure. I had a lot of time to read. A lot. Let’s just leave it at that. I wished that I had written down all the books I read this year, but sadly I didn’t. There’s so many books that affected me, and I just can’t remember them.

But here’s the top 5 books I’m glad I read in 2020. And only one made me cry. I’m so damned emotional sometimes. I guess that means I really got into the book, huh?

1. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

This was the first book that Crystal sent me. It was a complete surprise when I got it. I didn’t know a lot about the book before I read it, but I recognized the cover – she had the same copy.

I didn’t want the book to end. I started it over 5 times. I like to say I read it 5 times the first time. I didn’t want it to end. I actually got anxiety when I got to the mid point, so I’d start it over again. My motto for this book, and every book I read after was;

You can only read a book once, for the first time.

This book seriously saved my life. And even now I’ll take it off my book shelf, and. Just hold it and flip through the pages. I gotta move on the the next book, I’m getting a little emotional. This is my favourite book.

2. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Laugh all you want, about the book, but this book (and the rest of the series) really helped me get through a tough time. It holds a special place in my heart.

3. Going Somewhere by Brian Benson

I resisted the whole let’s travel someplace and grow as a person book for a while, and then read 3 pretty much back to back. This one was cool, because yes the main character (real life people) grew, it was and it wasn’t a happy ending. I cried at the end of this. It wasn’t the ending that I expected – books like this have the happy ending. This one didn’t.

4. Honour Among Thieves by Jeffery Archer

This one like literally watching a big screen blockbuster in my mind. I blew through it in about 4 hours. Then read it again. I keep on the look out for this book when I’m at the second hand stores.

5. Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco

This book is dense. So much information about secret societies. I had to read it twice, just to figure out what was going on. I loved every second of it!

So what’re your top 5 books of 2020? I can’t wait to read about them!

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2 thoughts on “5 books I’m glad I read in 2020

  1. I imagine you typing this up, putting Twilight on the list – like you don’t mean the entire series.

    Trying to convince your readers you don’t consider it a singular body of the greatest literature known to mankind, you look at your bookshelves and the six books.

    “It still only counts as one”, you say to yourself.

    1. Ha! I was thinking that when I was writing it. I didn’t want to sound too much like a fan girl about the Saga.

      I just want to put it out there, that I’m still looking for the movie covers of New Moon, and Eclipse. Just sayin’