She just yanked up on the emergency brake, dropped her seat back, and told me to lie on top of her

Good morning all you party people! It’s Friyay! All that stands between me and a partial weekend is just one shift today. Sunday I have inventory. First inventory at the new job. Hopefully it’ll go quicker than the previous job. We should be done about 2-3 pm on Sunday.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Slightly busy, but not really. That gave us time to clean a little bit. I asked my coworker, which I have to nickname them all so y’all have some idea who I’m talking about – who would you fan cast as yourself if HBO made a tv series about working at work. Maybe Crystal figured out who would be go to play me.

Other than that, it was business as usual. We went through our checklists, and managed to leap out of work on time. Even with a last minute customer. It was my coworkers father, so that was an easy transaction.

Poof, I was home.

And now, here we are. Happy Friyay everyone!