Six o’clock already I was just in the middle of a dream

Awake! The sun is rising, and it feels chilly outside. It’s not too bad out there, but looking at the weather app, and also realizing it’s Monday, and they’re calling for snow on Saturday, I don’t think it’ll happen the way they say it will. Currently there’s a forecast of 98mm of snow on next Saturday. That’s according to google is about 3.85in.

I’ll believe it, when I’m shovelling it.

But let’s just keep our thoughts on this week. It’s supposed to be colder this week than last week. NewNewGirl didn’t want to move furniture last week, and said she’d rather move the furniture when it’s a little colder this week. I don’t know why, but ok.

It’s Monday morning, and the coffee has been brewed. We’re up, and watching the news. Chaucer is in between us. And Pippin, well, she’s doing Pippin things somewhere.

Brunch is in a few hours. You’d better hurry if you want some! Happy Monday, my friends.