She is touring the facility (hey) and picking up slack

Ahoy hoy, good morning everyone. I woke up just slightly this morning at around 6, but fell back asleep pretty quickly. Then the alarm went off. I think I really wanted to see if I could’ve napped for another couple of minutes, but alas, earwax, the kitten already knew that we were awake.

So awake we were. We then got up, after Crystal played the chasey chasey game with Pippin, while Chaucer stalked around demanding food. Food which he’ll probably just throw up in a minute or two. I bet right now he’s drinking water – which means he’ll throw up in a minute or two.

Yesterday we didn’t do anything whatsoever. It was nice. Well, that’s not true. We did chores yesterday. Three loads of laundry. Not too shabby. Toaster was supposed to clean as well, but sadly he got stuck. He’ll come out tomorrow, when there’s adult supervision.

Nothing at all planned for today. Maybe I’ll watch Crystal play Assassins Creed: Rogue more today. I love watching her play. She’s so much more through in the games she plays. We have two totally different play styles.

Ok I need copious amounts of coffee this morning. Waking up when the alarm goes off, leaves me very groggy in the mornings. Happy Monday everyone. I hope wherever y’all are located, you’re warm and safe. Let’s do this!