Ain’t it dark wrapped up in that tarp, Earl

Awake, but I’m not liking it. I was up early again. Crystal was up early again. I think she got out of bed early because of me this time. I think I was trying too aggressively to snuggle. Then it was too warm. Pippin stayed and snuggled until the alarm.

But we’re all awake now, and the coffee is flowing. I had to call the I ferner company yesterday, because our wifi went down. After a couple of hours Crystal texted saying that it was still down, so I found my bill and gave them a call. Marty was pretty good, and within a few minutes had it back up and running again.

Crystal bought a game for the Switch called Hollow Knight. I like it. It’s a slow side scroller. I like it. It’s my speed haha. Nice and slow. I played for a couple of minutes while dinner was cooking. Aside from some, in my mind button mapped issues, I really enjoyed playing it. Might play some more this weekend.

But I need some more coffee. Happy Friyay everyone!