Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen – doin’ the werewolves of London

Good happy Tuesday everyone! I think I only got up twice in the night. Once to pee, and once to pick up what Pippin knocked down. We’re on different (mostly) sleep schedules. She plays until 3 or 4 then comes to bed. Last night it was about 4:30, and her last act of terrorism was to knock the thermometer off tue top of the fridge. I got up and asked her to come to bed. Enough playing. She came a couple of minutes later I think. She hunkered down and snuggled until the alarm went off.

Then the alarm went off.

But we’re all awake now. Pippin is nodding off on the cube. It’s somewhat sunny out, but just a little windy out. It rained really hard yesterday for maybe 20 minutes. There was even a surprise showing of some hail for a second as well.

This isn’t good for the harvest. But they’ll get it done. They always do. This weird weather is just slowing them down. A lot.

Back to work today. Should be a good day. Let’s make it a good day! Happy Tuesday!