Sing me a song of a lass that is gone

It’s a day that ends in y, so that means I was up before my alarm. Again. I’m going to have to get an alarm clock for the bedroom, I think I’m just going to have to shut the alarm on my phone off.

If that last paragraph reads weird, I’m just not awake yet. Don’t you worry, the coffee is just about ready to consume.

Yesterday was ok. I went to SlightlyBiggerTown to pick up some odds and ends. Did that in about an hour. I just too my time though. It was nice to be out of the house for a couple of hours.

I dropped the truck off at Shady Acres when I delivered my moms stuff that she wanted. Then just walked home. I turned on Netflix, and spent the rest of the day/evening watching Outlander.

Looking out the window, and it’s supposed to be spring. Why, then, and I staring at freshly fallen snow. I’m really really tired of the white stuff. It’s not funny anymore.

But I digress. It’s time for coffee, and contemplation. Hap hap happy Tuesday y’all.