So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose

I think it’s Friyay. If it is, woohoo, we made it! If not, we’re almost there, you can do it!

So yesterday, I went to the post office and asked if it didn’t come in yesterday, if the post mistress could call CaptialCity, and I’d go there. About an hour later, I get the phone call. It’s here. Of course. That’s my luck, I just got a pile of things to do, and I have to leave.

Long story short, it’s in Fedex’s hands now.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

I was all over yesterday. Shoe store. Book store. Value Village. Walmart.

It was a very good day. But a long day. Back to reality now!

And my coffee is ready. That’s my cue. Have a super sparkly day! Byeee!