There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti

Friyay, Friyay, gotta get down on Friyay! We made it everyone. It’s almost the weekend. It’s so close I can almost taste it.

Speaking of taste, my coffee is almost finished brewing, so I can now start to wake up. And I’ll need to wake up, as some time today, I have to help load the trailer with BossLady and NewGirl.

The inventory program is almost complete. I showed BossLady yesterday and she loves it. She wants me to link it to the site as soon as possible so she can show it off to her design friends.

All I did was the data entry, Crystal came up with the idea, basically installed, and spent a couple of hours yesterday, to make it look pretty. I also made instructions on how to make a blog post, but for furniture. I’m very proud of it. It looks amazing, and I got to work with Crystal on it. That was the best.

That’s all I got got now, I just got a cup of copy, and I’m trying to figure out why my ankle hurts.

Happy Friyay everyone! And a very very happy birthday to my beautiful wife, Crystal. I loves you very much ❤️

Book haul – The Institute

Hey book nerds!

Just wanted to share a quick haul from a couple of weeks ago, when I was in BiggerCity. I was a little disappointed at the selection at the only place that sells books in that town; Walmart.

But trying to be a glass is half full type of person, least I got one book, amirite?

I channeled crystals, and bought it because, Stephen King. So it’s on my bookcase, and waiting to be read.

And, I can’t wait to read it. Until next time book nerds!