Why don’t you ask him the latest on his throne?

Good morning. The bed was so snuggly, and I didn’t want to get out of bed. The bed is warm and it grasp was tight.

It’s hump day. The middle of the week. It’s my short week this week. So a nice long weekend for me hahaha!

The coffee is just about done brewing, and my mom is fighting with the cats this morning. I guess they didn’t let her sleep too long last night. I heard nothing.

I hope y’all have a really good Wednesday. It’s hump day, do whatever you want today.

Home video – Sherlock

So in an effort to do stuff with my mom, I wanted to watch shows with her. She really wants to watch Outlander. Crystal said hmm maybe not unless you want to watch the sex scenes with your mom.

I forgot about the sex scenes.

So I decided to see if she’d like BBCs Sherlock.

Spoiler alert – she loves it. The first episode she watched while quilting a blanket. About 20 minutes in, she stopped that to pay attention. We’re on the second season now and she devotes all of her attention to what’s going on. She sits as still as a cat watching a bird.

I’m enjoying watching them over again too.