Tie me up like I’m surprised

I’ve been up for 15 minutes. I dragged myself out of bed this morning. I almost fell back asleep after my alarm went off, but I willed myself to roll out of bed.

I get up, get dressed, and brushed my teeth. I stumble out into the kitchen to make coffee. I just get the TV turned on, and my gramma comes out to ask what day it is. She really has no concept of time anymore. 5 minutes to her can be two hours. She loses more days, because of it.

Shawshank, what day is it? Is it Sunday?”

Yes gramma, it’s Sunday.

Every Sunday, she has a pill to take. Every Sunday, she makes a big deal out of taking this pill, as if to say look at me, I’m doing what I’ve been told. The dementia, and Alzheimer’s have really turned her back into a child. It’s hard sometimes. She really know how to push my moms buttons.

Coffee, be right back. I need this liquid gold right now.

But this blog isn’t about to be all depressy pants or anything. We positive here. Today I have some chores to do. I have to clean the pellet stove, and there should be a book club sometime today, and just plan bubblegum and happiness!

Happy Sunday! It’s gonna be a pretty good day! Enjoy today everyone! Let’s do this!!

Book Club – The Guest List

Welcome back to The Lockup Library Book Club! A book club for the new year! On that note, happy new year as well! Like the title says this weeks book club is The Guest List by Lucy Foley.

I’m about 70% of the way through it. I have a hard time putting it down, it just sucks you in. It’s a slow paced book, with shorter chapters to make it really feel fast paced. But at the heart of it, it’s a slow burner.

I’m really liking this book. I have no idea who the murderer is yet. Or even the fact that they haven’t found a body yet.

But like true murder mysteries, everyone is a suspect. Everyone has a past.

I can’t wait to see how this turns out. I’m really digging the writers style. I don’t mind the fact that in each chapter it’s either after the wedding, or before. That takes a little getting used to and a few seconds to figure out which time frame you’re in.

So far this book is awesome.