I’m nodding’ my head like yeah – movin’ my hips like yeah

Good morning, happy Friyay! We made it! It was a long, but good day I haven’t moved that much furniture in a long time. We were also open for Shop til you drop til 8. It was a busy night for sure.

But now I’m awake and drinking coffee. I’m not as sore as I thought I’d be after moving four couches, two living room chairs and a solid wood hutch.

Like I said, it was a good day.

I’m trying to think about what to write here. After that last sentence, I’m drawing a blank! I have to work today, and tomorrow, then I’m off Sunday and Monday. And Monday will be busy. Off toe BiggerTown to get my dads truck oil changed. We’ll also be stopping at Walmart where I have a small list of things to get.

Yes, the first place I’ll go is the book section 🙂

So happy Friday. We’re almost there. We can make it!

First Line Friday

Woohoo, we made it to Friday! So here’s the game that we’re playing; I give you the first couple lines of a random book on my shelf, you guess in the comments, and next week, I’ll give you the answer!

Last weeks book was Clan of the Cave Bear. Did you figure it out?

That sounds like fun, amirite?

Ok, ready? Let’s go!

For a long time the horizon had been a monotonous flat blue line separating the Pacific Ocean from the sky. The Navy helicopter raced forward, flying low, near the waves. Despite the nous and thumping vibration of the blades, Norman Johnson fell asleep.

Think you have the answer? Comment below!

Until next week…