And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

It’s cold. It’s cold, and I didn’t want to get out of a perfectly heated bed. According to my weather app, from now until the 24th, there’s 3 days that will be above freezing. 3 DAYS THAT WILL BE ABOVE FREEZING.

I’m not ready for this type of weather.

My jeans are too tight to fit long johns under them. I’m gonna freeze, and break into a million little pieces.

I think I’m actually going to have to close my window tonight. I was cold last night. About 5 thins morning, I had to climb under all the blankets.

I got a nice solid hour of reading The Historian. It’s starting to roll along at a faster pace now. I’m really enjoying it. Two separate stories going at once. After Ship of Theseus, this is easy to follow!

The one weird dream that I can remember from last night was a little strange. I was back at the cadet camp that went to from 13-19. I think I was my normal age, but I was a staff cadet, just arrived for duty so to speak. The camp had changed, as it does over time. I was in one of the staff tents getting my uniform ready for the next day. All my old friends were there. I guess Crystal had shipped up all the stuff she didn’t want to bring with her – there were books, and random boxes of stuff. I got hungry, went out the back of the tent, found Crystal, and we hopped on a motorcycle, and went for pizza.

Then a quick random dream of me going into a second hand store, finding two original gameboys, and a couple games – and letters back and forth between the previous owners and tech support trying to get them to work properly.

Then my alarm went off.

I need a photo opportunity – I want a shot at redemption

Went to SlightyBiggerTown today for some running around, including groceries. So we carved out some time for me to hit the second hand store for a…..


I walk in, and do a couple of passes on the book cases, and only find one lonely Stephen King. And it’s the book that I made fun of when we watched the movie long ago. MITER GAY! MITER GAY! Crystal does say the book is better than the movie. Fingers crossed

So I start to walk back to pay for it, and I spy a little blue sign that says fill a bag of books for a buck. Say no more, a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat, yanno! So I went up to the counter and asked for a bag, and went back for more.

I’ll try and be short with my motivations for buying each book. Please hold all questions to the end of the presentation.

Sometimes you just need a mindless book. Of course it’ll have to be a Jack Reacher novel – now with 100% less Tom Cruise.

I’ve never seen the movie, but a quick google says this one could be scary.

The Cemetery Dance is your chance to do the hump – now it’s stuck in your head too.

Now this one just looks kinda of cool. Who doesn’t judge books by their covers?

Now by this point of been over these 4 bookcases (that are a lot and I mean a LOT of Danielle Steel, and other romances), and this little gem is sitting there, just waiting for me to pick it up. I’d have pushed people out of the way to get it. The TV show was amazing.

Any questions?

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