I was down at the New Amsterdam

What a long day yesterday. In the truck for about 8.5 hours. That makes for a long day. The part that was supposed to be fixed, couldn’t be, for the price that they were willing to pay, so we brought it back. Frustrating on that end.

Although, I was surprised when, as we were waiting for them to figure out what they were going to do with the part, my mom drove to a book store.

Go and get your book, the newest one, we’ll use amazon for the others.”

So after that, we’re on our way home. And we’re driving through all these really small little towns. I see a sign,

That sign just said Eiffel Tower that way…..”

Sure enough, there’s the Eiffel Tower. Of course I get out and take pictures for Crystal. Which, hours and hours later, as she lay in bed, I got her to edit them, as my photoshop decided it didn’t want to play well with me. I can’t decide which edits I like the best, so over the course of the week, you’ll see them all.

Welcome to the Paris of the Praries

And void would be calling

I’m out of coffee.

It’s really gray and chilly feeling outside.

I’ve been up since 7:15, and it’s only 9:46. This day is moving slowly.

I don’t really have anything constructive to write about. I think I just wanted to write something. Yanno? I hope it doesn’t rain today, as after lunch, when Shady Acres is asleep, I like to take a quick walk around TinyTown. And if it’s raining, I won’t be able to do that.

Maybe I’ll start moving the DVDs downstairs today. That’ll give me something to do this afternoon. But then I have to answer the most obvious of questions; “what’re you doing? Why are you doing it?” Just lemme do it you don’t have to question every move I make. Sometimes, I feel a little trapped here.

For example, Sunday, I went into my room, and watched Twilight. I think I made it 45 minutes before I heard a knock at the door. “Are you feeling ok?” Ugh yes I just felt like watching a movie that’s not on tv. And if it was, I’d still be in here watching it, because then I don’t have to answer questions about plot points. Sometimes I just want to be left alone. I’m not in a bad or sad mood. Just want to be alone.

Some times I’m just in a quiet mood, or even craving a cigarette, and instead of being a snappy bastard, I just want to be left alone. But I’m poked, and I know she means well, but I’m not used to being mothered. She doesn’t need to know every time I’m sad, mad, glad. If I’m talkative, I’ll talk.

Stupid weather.

I feel a little better. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. 10:05. 3 pm is a long way away, ain’t it?