Which by the way, the news is freaking scary these days. Mini panic attacks maybe. Also I’m cold. Thinking back to the corona virus questionaire. I now have the sniffle, a touch of the shits, and I’m freezing. Ugh. Yup, gonna be a loooong day.
Day: March 13, 2020

3/13/20, Part 2
Hiya my beautiful babydoll!
Just a quick couple of sentences. Napped for almost an hour. Maybe 30-35 minutes before, I heard the sweet sounds of the Prison Rape Video. Then it was a really light sleep. Couple of hours until dinner. It’s the fish that never swam tonight because it’s Friday. I just listened to Trump on NPR – wow, he should never be allowed to go off script. I closed my eyes, and all I could hear was Alec Baldwin. Wow. Terrible!
I’m listening a little more cause Owen left his batteries. So I can relax a little more. Do you prefer my i’s like this I or like this I?1 I’m on the fence. The things I think about. So if I remember I’ll try the second I for a while and see how it goes.
So I’m sitting here just after I put my book down, thinking you just got yourself a new car, and I start to tear up. What’s wrong with me? I’m so proud of you baby. So proud. Wow what a woman. I love you so much. I hope I have a better sleep tonight. I need it so bad.
I checked my commasary order for Tuesday/Wednesday, and I HAVE STAMPS!! Finally. And I’ll talk to Capt. America on Monday to see what I’m going to expect on Thursday. At this point, I’ll fo pretty much anything to get out of here. I’d Greyhound at this point, I’m sure. I love you babe 🙂 I’m gonna read and try to turn in around ten-10:30. It’s almosy 9 now. I wish I could sleep now – it’s 9:18, and I’m having trouble staying awake but I can’t. 10pm is a standing count2 so I can’t be asleep for it. I’m so tired.
Now here’s the question, I’ll pose it here and ask you on Sunday. Should I send all the letters at once to catch up, or one every other day? I mean, by the time the stamps arrive, I’ll probably have a few more. Probably one every other day for a week. Crazy, huh? I really enjoy writing you even if sometimes when I write, I cry. It feels strange to cry. Anything can set me off. Random smell, sound, or memory. Sometimes it just comes on so suddenly. If I’m out of my room, I have to go back right away.
That asshole is still whistling. I swear if I say anything I get shanked, lol.
It has been nice having the room to myself. I can poop, and pee freely. Which means I can drink more water. I have a good stockpile of ramen now. I’m really tempted to get a soda and a Twix. I’ll have to find the website or the care packages (wink) maybe instead of soda I’ll get coffee. How I miss coffee. I dunno, I can get a little, but I only have $6 left. We’ll see.
My god, another letter is almost finished and it’s getting closer to lock up. Lemme tell you, between the phone calls today and me just sitting down and writing you, I’m def feeling a lot better than when I woke up today. Thank you for listening, and of course reading (after the fact). Thank you for being my rock. My angel. I don’t deserve you, but I have you.
I love you so much <3
1 serif type vs. non-Serif
2 detainees and inmates must be awake and standing in their room to be counted