You’ve got gall, you’ve got guile step to me I’m a rap-o-phile

Good morning. It took hours for me to fall asleep. I laid my head down, and suddenly I wasn’t high anymore. Then I was too warm, or alternatively too cold. I just couldn’t get comfortable. Then the alarm went off to get up. So, yeah. I’m just a little tired.

I don’t have a lot of plans for today. I have some chores to do today, and I want to head over to the tiny grocery store to see if they have cat litter, and allergy pills. Other than that, I don’t plan on doing a whole bunch of anything. I’ll take the mail over to my parents tomorrow after work.

Brunch for lunch today, and dinner has already been chosen as well, so yeah. All the meals have already been taken care of. Woot!

I did survive the weekend at work. It was pretty slow yesterday, so I carved out a half hour, and refilled all the empty propane tanks, as I knew BossLady would be pissed if they weren’t taken care of when it was so slow.

More coffee pls.

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