You’re so fine, I want you mine, you’re so delicious

Good morning my friends. I actually almost made it to 7am. I think I kinda woke up, and looked – 6:32. Not too bad. I think Crystal was already awake. But I don’t know for sure, because I looked at the clock and then closed my eyes again.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. It was pretty much mostly busy for the day. I interacted, and spoke to people on the phone. I think I got just about everything finished that I had on my list. And most things that BossLady handed me, I finished as well.

Not too shabby.

I already have Chaucer on my lap. He’s a snuggly guy in the mornings. I’ll let him snuggle pretty much when ever he wants – he’s earned it.

But for now, wake up time, and coffee. I hope all y’all have a very good day. It’s almost the weekend!

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