You’re older than you’ve ever been
And now you’re even older

Good morning everyone. I had strange dreams last night. All I remember is that I was collecting jackets, and I had a successful home based business. Weirdness.

I did sleep good I believe. Only up once in the night. that’s always a good thing. I’m awake now, and the birds are singing. It looks like it might be a good day outside, if the clouds burn off.

Yesterday was good. I went to SlightlyBiggerTown to do some grocery shopping. I got some yummy food for the next while. I almost bought a cactus, but for some reason I didn’t. After grocery shopping I bought some weed, and hit up the thrift store. I didn’t see anything that I had to have, so I went home.

If anyone hasn’t seen Army of the Dead, please, don’t bother watching it. It was terrible. It’s pretty much 2.5 hours of a terrible movie.

But I’ll leave you for now. My coffee is ready to be consumed.

Happy birthday to me.

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2 thoughts on “You’re older than you’ve ever been
And now you’re even older