Your mouth so hot, your web I’m caught

Weird dream #1

When I was (and I’m guessing) 5 or 6 (I think) I had a dream that I climbed the hill across from my house. I call it a hill, maybe a small mountain. I found a cave and went into explore. I found a huge room in it with flags and all that sort of stuff. Well this dream, I went back with Crystal and a couple other people. It looked exactly the same, but with more details. Lots of crossbows on display. But more like a Masonic temple. It was just like I was a kid again. Some many details it’s hard to really describe. Like a whole other world in that cave, with history and everything.

Weird dream #2

I was working in the electronics section of like a JC Penny or a big box store like that. Commission based. We were having a huge sale, and of course I’m new, but I’m the manager. I have a customer looking seriously and this beautiful 32 or 42 inch plasma screen and the biggest DVD player I’ve ever seen. But I can’t find the inventory screen to see if o even have more on stock. I just ended up selling the floor stock, WITH the extended warranties, AND got their address.

I’m surprised I remembered these to write them down. Happy Sunday!

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