Your mom busted in and said, what’s that noise? Aw, mom you’re just jealous it’s the Beastie Boys

Good grey morning, my friends. It’s Mon… Tuesday morning here in TinyTown. It was a little chilly out there this morning. I’ll be putting on a hoodie when I leave for work.

Crystal was out pretty quickly last night, but told me her eye mask died in the night, so she was awake early this morning. She was already out when I asked her if she wanted to snuggle me. She didn’t reply, so I just rolled over. That’s when I fell asleep.

Yesterday was a nice, mostly lazy day. We got up, did our morning things. Once we were ready we took off to SlightlyBiggerTown to grab a couple of things. We stopped at the second hand store, where Crystal found a couple of more sheet sets.

Lunch time! I had a burger, and Crystal had a buffalo chicken wrap. Both were very good. Then we took off back home. Some of the crops are starting to bloom, I guess would be the correct word. There’s seas of yellow out there, like someone just painted it in to the landscape.

I had to help my dad prep the new camper so he can drop the transmission out of it, so it can be fixed. After that, back home to rest and relax again.

But I needs some coffee to wake up. Hap hap happy Tuesday all. Let’s kick today in the nuts!

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