Younger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze

Good morning my friends. It’s a mostly sunny day there so far. I’ve looked at the weather app a few times yesterday, and it’s supposed to get cloudy again today. But it seems like a good day for a road trip. We’re heading to BiggerTown today to deliver a sectional, and to pick up an old one. Then it’s our day, mostly.

Shouldn’t be too bad. Crystal will be coming and helping me with the sectional. And I’ll have someone to talk to as we drive. That’s always nice.

Yesterday was totes relaxing. We didn’t do a whole lot of anything. I made brunch, which was really good, if I may toot my own horn*

After brunch, Crystal played Witcher 3, for a little while and advanced her storyline a lot. I ran out to the credit union and enquired about their debit/credit card. I should have it in about a week or so. I grabbed a box of shake and bake for dinner.

Before dinner, Crystal passed me the controller, so I fired up TotK. And fooled around a little. Somehow, I found my way to the sky islands, and happened to see the Light Dragon.

Hey, you wanna know the rest, buy the rights.

* toot toot

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