You walk like an angel, talk like an angel

It’s a another book haul – with a twist. One of the books, if I had known it was part 1 I probably would’ve put it back. I have a feeling it’s going to be hard to find part 2 – book club edition.

So a while back, I bought a Stephen King book in a bag sale. When I got home, I found out it was part 2 of a trilogy. I figured it would be easy to find the other parts – because it’s Stephen King, and he puts out books like there’s no tomorrow. Well today I found part one! The King collection grows!

Why the hell would you split a book into two volumes? Then say it’s a “book club edition”? What the hell? I swear if it ends on a cliff hanger, and I can’t find part two, I’ll only read the Twilight Saga from now on.

I did put two books back, so when we go to SlightlyBiggerTown, I’d have $2 towards an even larger selection of books.

Happy reading!

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9 thoughts on “You walk like an angel, talk like an angel

  1. Is it just me, or did that accident some years ago change King’s writing? I was always a big fan of his books, but I find the post-accident books…. difficult.
    1. I love almost all of his early stuff, but there’s a period of stuff he wrote that I just wasn’t super impressed with at all (lookin’ at you, “Under the Dome”). Some of his newer stuff has a distinctly early Dean Koontz feel to it, as well.

      1. Yeah, Under the Dome was a complete embarassment, both the book and the tv-series.
        Speaking of Koontz: he’s actually my favourite writer now. Sure, he doesn’t have the depths of King’s earlier books, but he’s fun to read, has a great sense of humour. His dialogues are spot on, often like a screw-ball comedy. Odd Thomas was great, and I can’t wait to get the next Jane Hawk into my hands.
        1. Odd Thomas was well, odd. To me it really came off as a YA novel. It was a very simple read. Course I only ready the first one. I dunno, I might read again.
          1. Sometimes a simple read is exactly what I need. And don’t say anything against Odd, he’s a brave and sympathetic guy. 😉
    1. I actually never heard of him, at least his name doesn’t ring a bell instantly. Gotta google him.
      1. You’re not missing much. They all seem to deal with the same formula.

        [mysterious group] in [old building] uses children for [evil purpose].