You gotta bounce to it like this

Awake! I had a really good sleep last night. Just awake enough in the morning to try and find a position that would allow me to sleep, and to breathe. I finally mostly found it and got comfortable. Then the alarm went off.

It’s supposed to be hot this weekend, and I think the heat starts to ramp up starting today. It’s bright and sunny out there. Not a cloud in the sky. However, according to the weather app, it’s supposed to be nice today, there’s chances for thunderstorms for the weekend. That’s changed from yesterday. We’ll see if that changes throughout the day.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. Of course busy during the morning, and really slow during the afternoon. BossLady left half way through the day. And isn’t expected in today. So hopefully the day will go quickly. I’ve noticed that the days have gone really slow, but the weeks moves mostly quickly.

But it’s almost the weekend – Canada Day long weekend. Exciting, huh? Let’s get through the balance of the week first. It’s only Thursday, but I think the rest of the week will go somewhat quickly.

So pick up your coffee cups and let’s raise them in the best coffee cup salute we can muster! Happy Thursday!

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