You could smell the whiskey burnin’ down Copperhead Road

Good morning my friends. Welcome to a slightly gray Tuesday morning here I the great white north. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I don’t think I really moved around in bed last night. Sometime in the night, I got up to pee, and asked Pippin to come to bed, she followed me and got comfortable.

The alarm scared both of us when it went off this morning. But here we are. The coffee has been brewed, and I can here the garbage truck doing it’s rounds this morning.

Pippin and I didn’t do too much of anything yesterday. We played fetch, and she snuggled and slept on my lap, while I watched a couple of episodes of Supernatural, and then when I got the alert, I watched the later episode of Critical Role.

All in all, a nice relaxing day.

Back to work today. Yay!

But first, coffee. Good morning y’all!

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