Yes, I did, yes, I did somebody please tell him who the eff I is

The alarm went off, and the day has started. The kittens have been fed, watered, and new litter. Pippin is on the table watching the little birdies outside the back door. I think Chaucer is up there too enjoying the morning sun. And of course, annoying Pippin up there.

Good morning my friends. Welcome to the weekend. I have a very short shift this morning, and then it’s back to the Flat to do some chores. Ya see, we’re going to a farmers market type thing tomorrow. So I’ll try and get most of the chores done this afternoon.

I totally assume that the farmers market will be busy tomorrow. It’s pretty popular in the summer here. So we’ll probably have to get there shortly after it opens. I’ve only been once, but that’s where I got a nice handmade coffee much and a small planter bowl.

I think it’s gonna be a fun time for sure.

But before all that – coffee. Let’s make the refill happen here! Make arabica great again! Let’s do it!

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