With fingernails that shine like justice

Well I’ll address the elephant in the room, happy New Years! Let’s all say goodbye to the dumpster fire that was 2020, and say a hearty hello to 2021. I was impressed with myself. I actually stayed up and made it to midnight.

I’m now off until Tuesday. I may go in Monday morning for a few hours to finish inputting stuff to the live inventory. It’ll be the only day that I can go in and have it be completely quiet, with no distractions.

I watched Infinity War with my dad last night. He’d never seen it before. Not a lot of emotion when Thor arrived in Wakonda, but was rather annoyed them at it just faded to black and ran the credits. We’ll probably be watching Endgame sometime today.

But for right now, the coffee is ready. Happy Friyay, and happy new year y’all!

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